The New Creativity + Responsibility = Future Handbook

Within the 2021–2022 Promotion of Vocational Education project, a new CREATIVITY + RESPONSIBILITY = FUTURE manual has been published at the initiative of the Institute of the RS for Vocational Education and Training and the Center of Architecture of Slovenia, in cooperation with successful and inspiring individuals and prominent experts from various fields. The handbook is intended to help you discover new skills and guide you during your choice of career. It is aimed at young people, helping them discover themselves, their qualities, skills and wishes in a creative way.
This guide provides an introduction to the professions that will create the world of the future and the skills that will be important for successful employment. It is divided into five sections:
- Workspaces of the Future,
- Let’s Develop Our Skills,
- Building the World of the Future,
- Learning through Life,
- Following Myself.
Each section presents the life and career stories of individuals, their decisions, coincidences and inspirations that influenced their careers. In the Workspaces of the Future section, you will also find a piece by Alenka Kragelj Eržen, in which she reflects on methods for planning and developing well-designed work environments, and touches upon how the type of profession affects workplace characteristics (and vice versa). See page 34 for the full article.
The handbook also describes workshops for primary schools: a holistic course on the importance and usefulness of thinking about further education and the future professions of students themselves. The workshops are designed experientially, emphasizing the values of handicrafts and the inspiration for their modern interpretation.
The manual and workshop suggestions promote the importance of informal knowledge, the unique characteristics and potential of individual, new ways for interdisciplinary cooperation and options to go beyond the established paths when deciding on a career.
The handbook is designed to encourage teachers, mentors, companions, guardians and parents of young people to allow them to dream and explore, thus strengthening their faith in knowledge and curiosity. This will enable them to proudly exercise their creativity and responsibility in their chosen future professions.
You can download the manual here.